I’ve suffered from tension headaches for as long as I can remember. I’ve previously kept notes about their occurrences in half-forgotten text files, but at the beginning of last year I started using the iMigraine app, which conveniently allows for this to be done on the phone. I’ve also always had the suspicion my travails had something to do with abrupt weather changes, such as sudden dips in air pressure. The good people of yr.no offer some historical weather data for free, and this includes temperature, wind speed and precipitation oscillations.
So if you ever wondered what it was like to be me (in 2019), take a look at the interactive plot below (you may have issues viewing this on the phone). You can see for each day of the year (temperature plot) or each date of the year (wind speed & precipitation plots) what the Trondheim measurement was and whether I had a headache (black dots; oouch!).
Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to analyze this data further. The code to generate the plot can be found here.